One of the highlights of the past few weeks for me has been watching Ainsley play with her cousin Henry. More watching Ainsley with all three of her cousins. She is at that point now where she is really able to watch them and interact (as much as a near 7 month old interacts). And each of them have their own special relationship with her.
William and Pierson are the entertainment- they delight in making her laugh whether that is tickling or talking to her or making funny faces. She reciprocates by screeching at them. We will have to work on our interactions with the opposite sex for the distant distant future! William is programmed to make sure we do not miss any of her firsts--- so much so that he likes for us all to see everything she does all the time. Everytime I hear William start screaming for us to come quick when he is in a room with Ainsley and I am not, my heart drops. Have no fear, he is just delighting in the fact that she has rolled over, spat up, sat up, smiled, or laughed at him. I don't have the heart to tell him that these activities have been a part of her repertoire for a while now.
Pierson is the cuddle bug, he loves to give her kisses and hugs. And really seems to like holding her, with assistance of course. He and William also like to tell me when she 'talks'- according to them she has already mastered the words 'Baby', 'William', 'Pierson', 'encyclopedia', 'supercalifragilisticexpialadocious'......okay I jest on those last two.
However the true highlight is watching her and Henry together. I have included a picture of her with him, however this one is almost two months old now, and their interactions are a lot more advanced now. It is so heart-tickling to watch them sitting side by side playing with a toy. Or more likely, Henry showing Ainsley how to play with the toy. They will alternately put their arms around each other, give each other kisses, or just hold on. Ainsley has figured out that Henry is mobile, so everytime now he tries to crawl away, she grabs his shoulder or his clothing and holds onto him--- leaving poor Henry to look at the nearest adult with the most pleading eyes, begging to be released.
Of course, his being 5 months older than her has not seemed to translate to Ainsley yet, she seems to believe they are equally capable of everything, although I do suspect she is a little frustrated when he crawls off or pulls up. Henry likes to be a little show off for his cousin too, last weekend Ainsley and I sat on the floor of the Murphy's game room while Henry used his walker and motored circles around us. Count both of us awestruck with his ability!
It truly is a ton of fun watching them all interact and develop their own individual relationships with each other. So now, Emily and Palmer, it is time for you all to contribute some more cousins for Ainsley to get to know. :-D I know I cannot wait to see the little beauties you all will have and for them to grow up together as well!
**DISCLAIMER- NEITHER of my sisters are pregnant- I don't want to freak anyone out by thinking that I have let a cat out of the bag! Nor are either planning to become so in the immediate future (at least that I know of)! I am just looking into the years to come, at some point in time...........**
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