Well our first beach trip is over. It was so fast, I can hardly believe it even happened, although one look at Justin's tomato red stomach reminds me that yes, it was real. After 28 years, you'd think he would figure out how to properly use sunscreen. :)
Amazing how the buildup and waiting for vacation feels like an eternity, and then once you get there it feels like it is over before it began. Regardless, we had a wonderful time at Holden Beach and I must admit my packing was successful- at least for Ainsley- next time I am taking a supply of loungewear and that is it!
While there, Ainsley continued to master the art of sitting up. Watching her, I just want to yell at Father Time to SLOW DOWN! She, on the other hand, cannot learn things fast enough! Having watched her 5 months older cousin all week, her mind seems filled with ideas and thoughts and new activities that she wants to accomplish. The instant we got home, and I laid her down on her back to play- something she normally is happy to do for a little while, she immediately flipped herself to her stomach, and then proceeded to let out the most pathetic cries of frustration as she tried (unsuccessfully as of now) to get her legs under her and crawl. While nursing now, she likes to sit up and face me, so that when she takes breaks she can look fully around the room. I feel like at this rate she will be speaking in full sentences and driving before the year is over!
Other than that, the beach was great. We spent quality time with the Hammocks and Murphys, filling our days with watching the little kiddies, continuously lathering and then unlathering the babies in suntan lotion, and binge eating. For some reason, my body deemed it necessary to have a snack about every fifteen minutes, it is a miracle I fit into my clothes to come home! I guess that was countered by some great runs on the beach- one of my favorite things to do. Although while a much more enjoyable locale to run in, the beach is also A LOT harder on your legs!
And let it be noted that with babies and the beach, you truly learn how sand manages to get absolutely everywhere- even when said baby does not leave the shaded 6x6 towel you have set up for her. Ainsley went from one bath every few days to twice daily!
So now we have a few days to heal Justin's skin, recover from our beach colds (whodathunk) and repack everything for round two.
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