It has been a long time since I've written, my apologies. I think I have been so slack lately because I feel like i have to write something enlightening and insightful every time, but then I came across a new blog of someone's this week and realized it can be one sentence- one thought- one picture etc. So I am going to attack this with a renewed vigor (or so I hope).
First- to spare everyone a multitude of posts- I am going to just spill all my random thoughts here. Sorry if it doesn't exactly "flow!"
Moms on the Run---- I think it is safe to say that I am officially now a member of a running group. :) Thanks to Courtney Murphy. What started as she and I trudging it alone on the streets at o'dark thirty has become a posse of 5. It is SO much fun. And it makes it so much easier to haul myself out of bed at 5am knowing that there are 4 other ladies doing it too. We are currently down one runner due to an extremely unfortunate injury, and we all miss her tremendously, but we know that she will be back out as soon as possible, and being the speed demon, super fit member of the group, we are all sure that she will be kicking our butts her first day back.
I have privately dubbed us, Moms on the Run, I am sure that is news to everyone else! Perhaps we should make t-shirts! Regardless, I am grateful to Courtney, Evan, Fran and Leslie for being my support group as I train for Nike. I am sure my training would have been half as effective without them. Two weeks to go, and then I get to run with Palmer through the streets of San Fran.......and everytime I start to drag, I hope that between Palmer's running beside me and her encouragement, and thinking about the gals, and that I don't want to let them down after their joining me in my long run this weekend...... that I will hopefully keep going!
It is amazing how much quicker 8-10 miles goes with so many other people joining you. Sadly, I am probably the least fit of the group and can usually only contribute an occasional grunt of agreement as a response to their questions, but I do enjoy listening to what everyone has to say! I am sure that the other ladies think I am either incredibly unsocial or partially mute! One day, I promise I will have the lung power to contribute to the conversation the whole way!
We are all planning on running a half together in the near future, so I am sure the group will make some recurrences in the blog.
Lately Ainsley has been a babbling queen. Have you (whoever "you" may be) ever just sat there and listened to a baby talk? When she goes down for her naps, she sometimes doesnt fall asleep for a bit, and will lay there in her crib contentedly talking. She will also pick up her blankie and start waving it around her crib. I like to call it the Ainsley comedy hour- it is so entertaining to witness that little voice develop and try out different sounds.
Ainsley is spending all her time now "crawling" and trying to pull up. I say "crawling" because it is really an army crawl- all elbows, belly on the ground, and butt in the air. She is content to get her knees under her, but has no interest right now in getting up on her hands. Regardless, this is a very effective method of movement for her- she manages to move quite swiftly now around the first floor of the house. When she isn't entertaining herself in this fashion, she is crawling to me, then trying every which way to use my body to get herself to standing. Once she is upright, she wants to "walk" to the nearest coffee table or ottoman to stand. We literally do this the entire day long!!!! I think by 8pm I am as tired as she is from it all!